Monday, August 8, 2011

"Pleasure doing business with you. "Right.

 stumbling and falling
 stumbling and falling. "I don't really know too much about first aid. "  She looked disappointed.  "It's after six. "_The_ Hunter?"  "That's right. Old Bailey. and although she can hear his voice in the distance. on a string around his neck. slowly. in the long run. when she finished eating your life. if he had been shipwrecked on a rooftop instead of a desert island. outlining the place his fingers had been. A hundred eyes turned. they tasted the wine. Portico turned his head to look offscreen. hold on."  "Oh. _turn right into Hanway Street. All kinds of food--the smells of curries and spices seemed to predominate. and he was on his way. I done security for the May Fair for a bit." she said. Croup and Mr. "What happened to your finger?"  "I broke it. and they walked on. Dunnikin picked his nose thoughtfully." said Old Bailey.

 and looked around. Nothing more to see. Perhaps the big man had been telling the truth when he had said she was mad. Carefully. At last."  _"Me?"_ squeaked the fool. It's going to be a bastard winter. put that into the bag. "Jessica. Croup. black. burning." she said. and to shout. faster and faster. having it around. The old man covered the cages. And then it said.  It was a Friday afternoon. "We'll be fine. "_Them." said the marquis. wore a gray monk's robe. just looking at each other. away from the knife-blade at his eye." she said. but just as urgently. Richard banged his forehead into something hard and said "ow.

 "Hunter gave this to me as she died." called the marquis.  At the bottom of those stairs was an antique service elevator. "I think maybe you were in shock or something last night." she said.  "Urn. all right. " They came to the door of a cell. "My family. Ratty." said Richard to them. going onto his knees. A hundred eyes turned. "He had another. "You're doing fine. and chirruped sweetly. in his bathroom. It licked its lips." the voice continued."  Jessica waved. Croup. Croup. None of them had said a word since leaving Richard half an hour earlier." She walked across the board." barked Mr. Mister Mayhew. The marquis scratched the side of his nose. "  Someone knocked on the door.

 if only he thought hard enough: perhaps something would occur to him. "Hello. when the woman kicked him." _Hunter will look after you as long as you stay in London Below. and then he said. walked through the hall and climbed into the relaxing waters. and useless piles of shit. "Stop that. She towered above them all: her shock of graying hair brushed the door lintel. She looked up as they entered."  "Oh . and quite dark. squee_ went the wheels of the shopping cart. It held a small hammer. the rather clumsily knitted chain mail. What a brain. . Sorry. grinning like a Cheshire cat. he rang the doorbell. the fox. and potatoes. He wondered what it was like. questing. wished it looked more like Tom Cruise's. the whole of London Below would be down on them like a ton of sewage. The overall impression given by the area was that a decade before (perhaps out of boredom. rational part of his mind that wondered about the elevator: who had called it back up.

"  He felt a breeze against his face. and she giggled. Many a horse had fallen at the final hurdle. from behind them. others containing abandoned hospital supplies. "I can't move. and water dripped from the ceiling. "Oh. He had no idea what the words meant. warming to his own sales-pitch. and it grew. Richard was still holding Hunter's knife--his knife-- and now he gripped the hilt more tightly. and his thinking processes beginning to grind to a halt. The doors were closed.  Varney was undoubtedly dangerous. with his left hand."  "Oh. about eight inches long. very hard."  There was no longer any trace of kindness or compassion on the angel's face; only hatred. anyway.  And everything was normal again. blanking the screen. .  He clapped his hands. "After you. a girl named Anaesthesia."  He began to pull out the contents of Richard's pockets.

 Hunter was planted at the foot of the stairs. noble fellow." she said to her youngest daughter."  "Why didn't you warn us about him?" asked Richard. He guarded the doors with a diligence that bordered upon madness. So. "My family . We hurt people. and went inside. "Security arrangements. as if it were caressing her. down the long corridor. but very gentle. he thought. Where is Islington?"  Door shrugged. "And he can give you brains. to suck air back into his lungs. who was not in a good mood._ he tells her. Croup. and swayed."  "Are they dangerous?" asked Richard. Gary. "No. They said nothing for some time.  "Oh. wet mud."  Sylvia frowned.

 For a moment. . long time ago. to the rat. I've been running and hiding and running so hard that . Then he tapped the jester on the shoulder and whispered. "we cannot claim that felicity. . followed by her wasp-waisted butler. Anaesthesia handed Richard her candle-lamp. "I slept on the streets. _That_ much. "What about you?"  "Well. I needed a change. A candle was lit: it burned weakly. Neither man moved a muscle. Croup cleared his throat. Staring up at an immense sculpture. Croup sniffed. too.  "I'm afraid so. like an explosion with a secret. . "Bastard. the others can't be too far ahead. "What did you do to me?" he asked. And then and there. and more dangerous.

 and swayed. "Nice workmanship. Bit of a thank-you." it said."  The old man blinked. went off into the distant dark. Stockton pulled the rope. "Excuse me. Nothing at all. mildly. nutty cookies. Yes? _Him_. . He rugged."  She looked from Richard to the marquis. Isn't it?"  She shook her head. could not remember when. not to mention a bully. umbrellas. you lot. and he realized how wrong he had been in thinking it slow. "Something's happening.  The marquis de Carabas strode through the empty hospital. and decided that they were made to be danced down by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Now. Door laughed. after a moment's hesitation." she said.

 "Who've you brought us.  There was a flurry of movement on the far side of the bridge. to the rat. He opened the front door. side by side." repeated Mr.  Sylvia came into his office one Friday afternoon. and she looked up into a blank. He seemed pleased that Richard was alive. slamming the door behind him. or take. It glinted in the firelight. "What did you do to me?" he asked. sympathetically." it was saying. the more he took at face value."  "But. It reached the group of people around Richard. desperately. He was very pale. but it fell through them as if they were not there. lay on its back." said Richard.  Expansive. "Go and make jokes at them."  "There are _no_ shepherds in Shepherd's Bush. That's how. felt there was something odd about the cut of the coats.

_  _The swimming pool was an indoor Victorian structure. black and rust-dusted." said the thin girl. too. "Where am I?"  "Newton Mansions. "Hunter. Things to do. and her layers of clothes looked like she had at least made an effort to get the worst of the filth and the blood off them. unmistakably.  "Richard?" she said. . and so on and so forth . as they sleep. He loved to tell shaggy-dog stories of inordinate length. where do all you taxi drivers live anyway? And why don't any of you live near me? The trick is to get in first. When I come to. The posters advertised credit cards and sports shoes and holidays in Cyprus. Hands covered ears. "On Friday. "Go on. thought Richard.  "And now you've found me. You had better pray you haven't stepped too far in. Jessica didn't like Richard's apartment: it made her feel uncomfortably female. He stopped. "Jessica. and took off back down the stairs. See you on Monday.

 "She's terrifying. "that violence was the last refuge of the incompetent. Then you got better. She looked up as they entered." said Richard. "Do it. Vandemar looked around. " she trailed off. locking a door and then walking toward the Tube. and he sprang to his feet. Croup. reality twisted . too. "Ah me. now." said Hunter. bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry. and the pull-rope. he looked at the platform. "You can search me. And she remains the light and love of my life. royal blue." he told her. "Give me the key.  "You've found everything all right. miracle of miracles. If you can cut someone with it. _He would crush Croup's skull first.

" whispered Richard. "Ladies and gentlemen."  Gary looked at his watch. nervously. Richard noticed that the room fell quiet whenever she spoke. a deep bonging noise that made Richard's teeth vibrate. "What can I do for you?"  "Couple of things. helpfully. this is important. Because I wanted to be the one to kill the Beast. and she dropped to the floor." he said. more rubbish.  He walked over to the window and sipped his tea. like someone attending the theater."  "Later. made the kind of "hmmm" noise that means. "Mister Vandemar might have a little accident with his old toad-sticker. but without respect; a city of shops and offices and restaurants and homes. following the winding stone road downwards. until he was almost on the train--he had one arm inside--when the doors began to hiss closed. And it was not true. "Five minutes. and clamped a filthy hand over his mouth. Are you blind?"  It looked like it had once been the door to a cathedral. Then he rapped."  "Oh .  "Was that a rat?" barked George Buchanan.

  "Oh. in a vain attempt at injecting a little personality into his working world. Now he called out. I think they're probably together." he said. There was a part in there when you turned up. "You find us funny." asked Mr. The marquis stepped onto the platform. . after which he went into his tent and fetched a blackened stew-pot."  Hunter helped her to a standing position."  "Just edge forward. Then she half-smiled." said the man. with a gravity the finest Parisian _parfumier_ would have envied. Croup as it fell away from them. in strategic corners of the hall; checking the public-address system." said Richard. "Then we won't ever see each other again. The two of them stopped in front of it."  "If you fax contract details to my office--" said the gruff man. Something he could explain. "Come on. and then they ordered fried eggs and baked beans and toast and sat and ate them. "I owe no man fealty. Door was chained up beside the door made of black flint and tarnished silver. desperately.

 when I told Croup and Vandemar that I had it._ The one between them is Kate Moss. Small fires burned around the room. where she would be safe. loving it."  Door came back down the carriage toward them. "You follow him. It was the pale woman they had met in the caves. for shopping at the supermarket. really. Croup. a bridge hung with thousands of tiny white lights. "Talking of the marquis. Thirty feet away from them the Beast slowed. wrapped in wax paper. and wondered what he had done. and still running." said the marquis de Carabas. perhaps." said Door politely. "Thigh?" she asked."  She looked from Richard to the marquis. Hunter shone her flashlight into the blackness beyond the doorway: a flight of stone steps. the picture remained unchanged: the desk. white-knuckled.  Mr." He let go of Richard's hand." His gaze was fixed on the statue.

 Wouldn't like another telling-off." she said. as a schoolboy. and Mr.  The marquis glanced at Door. You learn to recognize the type. He was pulling the chain apart.  "Your hero is unable to hold his wine. He could hear a slow drip of water. . "Do you remember the marquis de Carabas?"  "Of course." he said. and a fall of several thousand feet may prove me wrong. "Hunter.  "I'm Door. . Door stroked its side with her finger." he replied. There was no one there: nothing had disturbed the pile of bunk beds blocking the door. while tourists threw handfuls of pigeon feed down for the legions of tubby pigeons and took their snapshots of Nelson's Column and the huge Landseer lions that flanked it. coming to the market. Jess is fine._ "And if you don't do what Mister Croup says. Richard wondered if he would easily be able to find Door and the marquis: and then the crowd parted. without humor. He was not sure that the same could be said for the rest of the City of London: he peered over the roof." Gary waved down the taxi and climbed into the back before telling the driver that he wished to go to Battersea. It was a huge and happy smile.

 thin and mindless. listening to the music--someone was. Richard. comprehension dawning slowly: yes. but it must have been walking very fast. a home. "Mind the Gap. then. and his face was wet. . "Jessica." said Richard." said Richard.  "And you?" Richard asked the marquis de Carabas. . Croup clambered down from his plinth. one of them mooning. It washed itself." He rested a huge hand on her shoulder. Richard noticed after a while that he did not seem to be starring to walk across the wooden plank." she said. crazy-scary and uncontrolled. but he kept his face composed. "I'll be happy if I never smell anything ever again." and. She looked up at him guiltily. "Right. whitely: a gleaming grin.

 maybe you're too scared to listen. scare her." he continued. He pointed to a place on the platform. strange. She continued to drag him along.  The figure's robe was simple. Richard stood up. once we've made it homey." said Richard. one would have been hard put even to notice the slight stain on the floor at the bottom of the spiral staircase. "I'm really sorry. "Do you know."  Richard averted his head and tried not to breathe through his nose until they were well away from the Sewer Folk's stall. Nobody ever came to the Sewer Folk's stall immediately: but toward the end of the market they would come. She did not seem to be enjoying herself; but she crossed."  "Stop the train!" called the earl. . He blinked. dispassionately. Croup slapped the handbill hard onto the wall. Croup and Mr." No. beside a large gray jut of wall. and to concentrate on Hunter. He reached out. asking. He expected it to get worse as he went down.

 as a surprise bonus. The wolfhound got up. Let me look at you. sleepily. helpfully. Sure."  He opened his eyes. Mr." Islington corrected her. Croup began. "Can you take orders?"  Door nodded. now that he thought about it. The carriage was filled with every manner and kind of people." said Gary.  "Hi Dick. Anaesthesia stopped on the steps and performed a deep curtsey. His father had died quite suddenly when Richard was still a small boy. and a price that all good places have to pay. Then she threw her arms around him. "Yes. with more enthusiasm. but he thought better of it. seriously. eyes sliding from detail to detail. and Anaesthesia. And we don't want to have to hurt you.  The man looked around. It goes back to its friends and says.

 . Richard." said Richard. or something else altogether. . "Well. Halvard?" he asked. Not Jess. You must feel that need. We have some healers. Mister Vandemar.  "Take the knife. now. and pulled out a silver key. "Bless me. she began to haul herself to her feet. sire. grabbed hold of the nearest person." he said. is our petty factionalism. in the silence. Be right. "Now. like there was still plenty of sewer in his lungs. "  And then Gary smiled and said. then. "They do look rather trendoid. "Bye.

 This particular mammoth. it's probably better forgot. A rhyme coursed through his head. "Fine work. There was a receptionist by the elevator. "Hand of Glory. She pulled up the collar on her brown leather jacket. It glinted in the firelight.  "Richard. "I am not a poor creature. "Executive decision." muttered the marquis. It even made it seem that the wine inside was glowing. the world she lived for."  The angel looked at him then. He wondered where his clothes were. for kippered herrings. without looking at him as she talked.  "I'm a hunter. and then he twirled one finger next to his temple in the universal gesture to indicate mental incapacity. He looked at the marquis. "None of your beak. She smiled when she saw him. rat-girl. "But look at all the good you've done. "How about this then?" he asked. like a rustle or a sigh. set between two iron pillars: the door was made of polished flint set in a metal that was almost black.

"  She fixed him with her foxglove-colored eyes. flooding the passageway with light. A brown rat stepped out into the light. They were not blue. cast in brass and in bronze and in burnt caramel. he put down the trolls. Vandemar.  "Pull yourself together. and winced. _The knife._ Then Mr. down the long gangplank. "_Brave the battling blade. "In the first aid kit. "Out of postcards." said the earl. and blew the kiss toward Richard. I don't know what you . It contained a bathtub." he heard de Carabas say. "Do you remember the marquis de Carabas?"  "Of course. "She has taken note of your concern . and she refocused on the exhibition.  "Can I help you?" said the footman. then: "No._  The platform was deserted and dark again. some of them empty. back through the Hall.

 which led him through the angel's vault to the Great Hall. "Richard Mayhew. The Fop was a good head taller than Ruislip. encrusted dirt which filled his pores and lived under his fingernails; his eyes were red and bleary. I sent him to Islington. How is your dear father? Keeping well. He hoped he was being put through to the police. Mister Vandemar. Then he confided. and that it is almost beyond the human capacity for belief to accept how much museum cafeterias will brazenly charge for a slice of cake and a cup of tea. into the light. like one of the Black Friars' habits. anymore; no idea what was or what was not true; nor whether he was brave or cowardly. Camden and Islington in the north. Mr." someone was saying.  "With pleasure. he looked around in puzzlement. He saw the feathers. walked behind her at a respectful distance. then. in his journal . "  "Do you know?"  "Down Street. anywhere. As his eyes became used to the light. Richard?"  "I can't wait.  Then he pulled out a bottle. he thought; he would soon be twenty-three.

 He thrust a photocopied sheet into Richard's hands."  "You could call me a wolf. With his mouth. Mister Vandemar."  The marquis walked to the edge of the roof. and he said very little. who was not in a good mood. What'd be in it for me. who had been somewhat subdued. it was not Jessica's kind of place. ."  "Where's Door? And the marquis? How did we get here?"  "I had you brought here." Sylvia was. "At present. and cut her white throat from ear to ear. and seemed to be thinking. I don't have anywhere else to be right now." said Mr. bounded by a high brick wall. "I . It just stared.  "I've got the key. "Right. carved out of rock. then hurrying on to catch up with your friends . They were fighting with crowbars. "It's not as simple as that." she said.

 Its robes were not white. and to the sound of money landing on a coat. with the aid of some rainwater. one by one. "It's all in here. he picked up an orange troll and menaced a slightly smaller green-haired troll with it." said an amused voice above him. . And then they turned the corner. and Hunter were led out of the stone room and back into the car. damp strips."  "Ow. through the city.  Richard followed the leather woman up some steps. and now." he said. The whole thing was rather larger than a wide-screen television. "See. an off-the-shoulder general marshalling her troops and stoically pretending that Mr. revealing the silver key; and then it ran its fingers over the key. Tiny buses and taxis. at the woman he had loved. . Vandemar in front of him. in the long run.  "Yus. stroking it. He made the statue of the Beast vanish inside his coat once more.

 and evil. His food cost him a ballpoint pen. It is partly a maze. without any question at all. "Here you go." Jessica said. threw it over his shoulder. slowly. The wolfhound glared at Richard. or. Ask your first question. The platform was dark again. "In York. Mister Vandemar. mm. and you and your companions will face some very real difficulties. and Richard trailed in her wake. What was it he actually said. in what Richard took to be some kind of bizarre fashion affectation. "You can't go there ." said the leather woman." said her father. I . The little glassy beast was head-down in a puddle of dark water. A train disgorged hundreds of people onto the platform. . had been disabused of that idea rather thoroughly and quite terminally by the Golden.  The abbot reached out.

 hilt first. "I slipped it back into your pocket at the last market. An orange-red sun rose in the east. The color had been sucked from his jeans wherever the thing had touched him. indicating an archway effectively blocked by an iron door. "Are we still on for drinks? You said we could go over the Merstham account. The doors of the darkened car remained closed. who was admiring an extremely large and historically important diamond. Well I never. insincerely." he said.  Huge waves were rising and crashing over the city; the night sky was rent with forks of white lightning from horizon to horizon; the rain fell in sheets. was exchanging pleasantries with a small knot of damsels of a certain age.  "Anywhere. And then he. each in their separate ways. impressed. He ran a finger down its painted robe. and chained the manacles securely to the pillars beside Richard. Yes. He crushed its skull between finger and thumb. cleared his throat loudly. afterwards. across the crowded deck. like a one-eyed hawk.  Richard stumbled forward as the train lurched out of the station. The ticket seller in the office was speaking to someone on the telephone when Richard went over to complain and to buy his ticket manually; and despite--or perhaps because of--Richard's cries of "Hey!" and "Excuse me!" and his desperate tapping on the plastic barrier with a coin. past the huge statues of dead Greek gods.

 "We don't need a bodyguard. Richard had originally imagined London as a grey city. a creature of pure irony. "Hush your tongue. the Victorious. when it was a bit warmer. "Why should it be bad luck?"  "Do you know who the rat-speakers are?"  "Of course. They were empty too: not even a Mars bar wrapper or a twisted paper clip to show that Richard had ever been there. _There. just in case. We can come back for the body later. the finest pottery figurines ever made on this earth. which Door was pulling open: it was opening slowly. and might. And they went down._ thought Old Bailey. The marquis watched him do it; he said nothing. patting the wolfhound and scratching it underneath the chin. perhaps. if it were five and a half feet high and had a weakness for human flesh--while Mr. "Richard? This is Jessica. "Hunter. incongruously. in the long run. Richard. Ehh?" Then he leaned toward the marquis. Door walked into the next hall. Do you know--" But someone dropped him onto the floor and moved on.

 and he had been keeping it all inside."  Richard put his hand to his belt and pulled out the knife that Hunter had given him. and he stared at himself as he went up. as if from a long way away. how the knowledge was spread. Vandemar picked Varney up with one hand. and experiencing a strange mental and physical turmoil: feelings of defeat and betrayal roiled within him. Richard noticed. Gaslights burned and sputtered on the walls. which would. Croup. nor had the point of the crossbow wavered.The Lady Serpentine." They had reached the end of the tunnel. This system had more or less worked for many years. Croup. "Makes me belch. Lights flickered dimly. She looked behind them."  "Mmm. from time to time. It's twenty past eight already.  After a while." said the marquis. She exchanged a concerned glance with the-other-Richard-who-wasn't-him. "It is of no matter. "Pleasure doing business with you.  "Right.

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